Avon Marketing Suite Redesign

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To launch the Marketing site, giving the Customers and Representatives a multi-channel experience, keeping the present users in mind while trying to attract a younger more digitally savvy user base.

Developed Omnichannel, Multi-touchpoint Experience

As the user behaviors are changing and evolving, moving from a single channel (based on brochure), to an Omnichannel, Multi-touchpoint Experience.

As the user behaviors are changing and evolving, moving from a single channel (based on brochure), to an Omnichannel, Multi-touchpoint Experience.

Rep Self-Appointment Process Redesign 

Three Step process for OSA-Online Self Appointment for a user who wants to become an Avon representative

Three Step process for OSA-Online Self Appointment for a user who wants to become an Avon representative

Wireframe to Comp, Responsive Framework

Three Step process for OSA-Online Self Appointment for a user who wants to become an Avon representative

Redefined the Customer Registration Process

Customer Registration Process in a responsive framework for users who want to place an order for Avon products.